So, this has been an extremely long day for me! About 4 months ago, I volunteered to be in charge of the 3rd grade (Cole's class) Rome Day Festival. I was thinking that we would be in Fort Collins by now, so it wouldn't be that big a deal. However, we are still 1/2 hour away and it was a big deal! But I guess it was worth it because the kids had a really good time on our trip to Ancient Rome and everything ran pretty smoothly. We did clay reliefs, bulla lockets, mosaic pictures, Roman Baths, chariot races, and marshmallow catapults. It was a blast. However, I'm pretty sick of being at the school!
Our plane ride to Rome

The kids got split up into 4 different social classes. Patricians (wealthy upper-class), Plebians (more middle class), Soldiers and Slaves. Cole was a plebian.

Here is Cole pulling in the chariot races

Corbin had his Nursery Rhyme recitation. He chose Humpty Dumpty. I was trying to see him a little better when I was recording him, so I flipped the camera so this is sideways. Proof that I don't think clearly on no sleep (we were at the school until almost 10 pm last night setting up Rome). Corbin is posing with his best buddy Glenn.

Cade had his Westward Expansion party today and he got to go to a ranch. He learned some square dancing moves, raced on stick horses, and took a hay ride. He said he LOVED it all! Here he is as a cowboy.

Of course, this evening we went out trick-or-treating. Clint took the older 4 kids and our nephews Taylor & Drew around the neighborhood. I hung back with Laney. Here are some pictures of the night and a little video of Laney all by herself!

Here is "scary Hulk"